Antique Montgomery Wards Power-Kraft Radial Arm Saw model# TRT-2313

by Thomas Harrison
(Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA)

I have an antique Radial arm saw that I think is due for a little restoration quite possibly. I wonder if you could help me get as much information on it as I can like when it was made and what it might be worth today. Anything you can do to help me would be most greatly appreciated. have a good day.


Thomas J Harrison

Comments for Antique Montgomery Wards Power-Kraft Radial Arm Saw model# TRT-2313

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Mar 13, 2011
PowerKraft Radial Arm Saw
by: Anonymous

I have a 10" radial arm saw also from the late 1960s, after the army. Worked well then and I assume it still will. Haven't used it for several years because I was on call 24-7 before I retired. I also found in some stored things a 1/4" Power Kraft Drill that looks new, still in the original box with what appear to be a replacement parts list with prices. . I plugged it in today and it runs just fine. Interesting about co-incidences.

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