Craftsman Model 100 Table Saw

by Timothy Taylor
(Live Oak, FL, USA)

Saw Stand made from florida pine

Saw Stand made from florida pine

I got this saw from my father when he died last year. I remember he has had this saw for as long as I can remember. I was born in 1960. Others are listing this saw as serial number 103, something I don't know. I love this saw. when I got it the stand had a small deck on it that was good for things falling off of when I ran it. Hahahahaha, I fixed that.

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Feb 05, 2011
Ingenious Work
by: HD Sharpless

As once said, If ye build it, It will come to pass. lol great use of home town wood, awesome "craftsman"ship Tim!

Feb 02, 2011
Nicely done!
by: Tim Squared

Great job on the saw setup! Function and form all rolled into one.

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