I need Help Identifying this tool

by Heather
(Green Lane, PA, U.S.)

It almost looks like some kind of vacuum. It has a hand crank and a fan that turns when you move the crank. There is a shoulder strap attached to the bag which ultimately is supposed to collect something. Can't figure out what it is. The tag reads S.2 Kettlehouse or Kittlehouse, Liberty Mills, Indiana. There are initials on the heavy duty canvas type bag that read H.A.S. The original ID tag is blurry so I'm pulling at strings here. Please email chowns5@gmail.com if you have any ideas of what this might be. Thanks :-) Heather

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Jul 05, 2013
by: J.Rice

this looks like a seeder of some type I used to have one simular years back for grass seed but the photo did not show enough of the mechanics for me to really get a better understanding of the components and how they function. Thank you for allowing me to look at this awsome tool and to ponder its function.

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