Old Craftsman Radial Arm Saw

by Jose Castaneda
(El Pao, Tx)

Old Craftsman Tadial Arm  Saw

Old Craftsman Tadial Arm Saw

My father brought 35 years ago from California, he purchased it new and has remained in the shed for 35 years. There is a possiblity it still might work.

Comments for Old Craftsman Radial Arm Saw

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May 17, 2010
model number
by: jre

great picture i have one almost identical but my model # plate is missing. could you tell me what the model # is on your machine it would give me somewhere to start. thanks

May 10, 2010
by: wakeup77

Does that have a lifetime warranty??? It may be worth a call to sears to find out anyway!! On another note, your spell check works about as good as mine. I think it is a Radial Saw, isn't it??

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